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Historic Hamburger Costs

One of the principal ingredient supplies in hamburger is becoming a bigger concern.  The beef 50 trim weighted average market for fresh product rose to just over $1.60 (not a typo) per pound last week.  To put this move for beef 50's in perspective, the weekly average of the market has only been above that level three times in the last decade with all three of those occurring during the spring of 2020 (think Covid panic). This is driving the cost to produce hamburger sharply higher as noted in the chart below. For those keeping score, and I'd bet the Hamburglar is, the cost to produce an 82 percent lean hamburger has risen almost 19 percent since the beginning of the year. By the way, the Hamburglar scared the you-know-what out of me as a kid. I can't be the only one.

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