The consumer may be the most interesting wildcard in 2024, except for perhaps Tommy Devito and his a...
Unlike the Steelers there is some optimism around the drought in the Southern Plains. For those keep...
Speaking of eggs, prices have still be averaging well below prior year levels. The inflated table eg...
Consumer price inflation has been a genuine concern for the economy and the consumer for the last fe...

Speaking of keeping score, this week's quarterly earnings call from Tyson did a good job of doing so...
Speaking of weakness, there are some concerning signals with the consumer. Note the next chart which...
So I noted earlier that chicken prices saw some weakness last week but any further weakness may be t...
Speaking of beef, as you and your mothers know, supplies are going to be limited this fall due to th...
According to the latest USDA crop progress report, the harvest of corn and soybeans is progressing w...
Bacon lovers, including Jim Gaffigan, will be happy to know that the pork belly markets fell Seger s...