So what's the story with butter? Well, for one, butter consumption is on the rise with domestic cons...
So as you probably can tell from this blog title, weather is playing its part with the feed and whea...
So what's the deal with feed prices? The USDA made some adjustments to plantings late last month low...
Don't look now but beef 90's set a new record high last week and beef 50's have been on the rise as ...
Avian flu has reared its ugliness again during the last few months. For those keeping score, and the...
CME cheese block and barrel prices were trending well below the international markets earlier this y...

The U.S. feed crops are off to a great start. The initial USDA crop ratings for domestic corn on Mon...
The positive news for wheat is that the condition of the U.S. winter wheat crop is significantly bet...
The cheese markets haven't been held down this month one bit. CME cheese blocks are already averagin...
Conversely, major hamburger ingredient 50% beef trim could average at its lowest level for May since...